According to the Emily Post institute an email is not always the best way to say what you need to say. Sometimes, a greeting card is required...
"Email is okay to thank for a coffee or meal that was casual or whose invitation was extended by email in the first place. It’s also okay for very small favors. But for dinner parties, big favors, an actual gift, or being a houseguest, handwritten thank-you notes are your best bet for an expression of warm, heartfelt thanks."

We have a wide variety of cards for all the situations and occasions that require a note. You can order them online or come and peruse at your leisure. We would love to assist. And remember sometimes a card can be just for "whatever" "whenever".

Thank you for stopping by and thank you for inspiring us to keep everything we discover fresh in the shop alongside the florals.

Your dance partners forever,
x Teresa and the shop team.
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