The Monsoon: Flooding with Forgiveness


We crave the rush of the monsoon. We crave the rush of that last hot breath before its filled with drops from the sky. The desert can be rash and brash, but then the light and the clouds and the drops and the breeze and the wet asphalt changes it all and you forgive her. Everyone needs a round of "I'm Sorry" flowers. But what about a very very powerful move, what about giving the gift of "I forgive you" flowers. We forgive you dear desert, dear friend, lover, mother, sister, neighbor. Bring on the monsoon


Let's consider the impact of the gesture and the aromas and the colors and the surprise. Forgiveness is not just for all the others, one must remember to forgive oneself. Flowers for yourself. We say yes. Yes to the flowers and yes to forgiveness forever. 

Let us know if you need flowers for yourself or anyone else that needs forgiveness. The Monsoon awaits....Order online or via phone today. 

 x Teresa

PS Remember Fresh Flower Happy Hour every Friday from 2pm until close. 

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