House Plants // House Pets

The life of a plant in our shop as seen as just that- a life- like a pet. We often refer to our plants as "plant babies"...well, you get the idea. 

Our shop stays stocked with house plants, life, moving in and out, changing shape every moment. Their leaves form, their branches grow, their color morphs. We watch and nurture and enjoy and take care of them until they find their forever home. Do you need some shape, color, life, a plant baby in your home?

 Plants Camelback Flowershop

Come in and peruse. We are here to discuss care of the plant and consult. 

Currently in the shop: Rattail Cactus, Monstera, Ferns, Variegated Rubber Plant, Paddle Cactus, Totem Pole Cactus, Spit Leaf Philodendron, Anthurium, and the list goes on. 

x Teresa


The Shapes of Leaves 

Arthur Sze, 1950

Ginkgo, cottonwood, pin oak, sweet gum, tulip tree:
our emotions resemble leaves and alive
to their shapes we are nourished.

Have you felt the expanse and contours of grief
along the edges of a big Norway maple?
Have you winced at the orange flare

searing the curves of a curling dogwood?
I have seen from the air logged islands,
each with a network of branching gravel roads,

and felt a moment of pure anger, aspen gold.
I have seen sandhill cranes moving in an open field,
a single white whooping crane in the flock.

And I have traveled along the contours 
of leaves that have no name. Here
where the air is wet and the light is cool, 

I feel what others are thinking and do not speak,
I know pleasure in the veins of a sugar maple,
I am living at the edge of a new leaf.


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